Strategic Plan Survey 2024-2029

Strategic Plan Survey 2024-2029


The Kingston Symphony Association is developing a new strategic plan for 2024-2029 and we are looking for input from the community. We hope you will contribute your perspective to help us set priorities.

It has been some time (and a whole pandemic) since we last updated our strategic plan. We are working to create a new plan in consultation with our Kingston Symphony Association community - audience members, donors, livestream concert attendees, Kingston Symphony musicians, staff, volunteers, and constituent organizations.

Your advice is invited as we consider issues, options and choices to refresh the priorities that will guide the Kingston Symphony Association, its work, and growth over the next few years. Here is a link to our online input tool to access the survey: Strategic Plan Survey (KSA-Community)

The survey typically takes 5-8 minutes to complete, depending on the extent of your comments. To ensure your confidential feedback is included, please provide your ideas, insights, and other input no later than December 22, 2023 if you can.

Many thanks for your assistance in this process!

P.S. Note that all responses are anonymous unless you personally identify yourself in your comments, and your input will be compiled by the facilitator as submitted, not filtered or summarized for the strategic planning team.