Advertising Opportunities

Advertise With Us

Advertising with the Kingston Symphony can help you to connect our audience to your brand, while simultaneously supporting Kingston’s vibrant arts and culture scene.

How can the Kingston Symphony advance your advertising goals? Are you…

  • Looking to reach local homeowners? Our concert attendees and supporters are primarily Kingston homeowners with disposable income. And – they are loyal: 75% are multi-year season subscribers.
  • Looking to reach an audience focused on your message? Our concert program is physically in the hands of over 7,000 audience members, most of whom arrive at least 15 minutes before the concert, giving them 15 uninterrupted minutes to read your ad before the concert and a program to have in their home afterwards.
  • Looking to reach youth? Our Classically Hip Club attracts over 1,500 students and young professionals who are 35 years old and under
  • Looking to reach seniors? 46% of our audience is over 60 years old.
  • Looking for electronic marketing? Electronic programs are sent out prior to every performance and have an open rate of about 50%
  • Looking for cost-effective marketing? A full page ad in the Kingston Symphony program costs only 19¢ per reader

Please contact Elena Baker, Director of Development, at for more information about advertising with the Kingston Symphony.

Advertising Brochure